“Metacognition, Meditation and Mind”—A talk by Chris Berlin, Harvard Divinity School, Conference on “Consciousness Hacking,” Mar. 2017. (Please scroll to 30:33 in the video).
“A Jewel in the Lotus: Buddhist Chaplaincy includes Compassion and ‘Skillful Means,’” by Chris Berlin. Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Autumn/Winter 2020.
“Chaplaincy at a Distance: The Art of Spiritual Care During COVID-19” An interview with Chris Berlin and Cheryl Giles, Harvard Divinity School, May 2020.
“Buddhist Mantra: Practice and Cosmology—The meaning and purpose of mantra and chanting in Buddhism,” A talk at the Carver Street Art Salon, Cambridge, MA. May, 2017.
“Mainstream Meditation and the Million-Dollar Mindfulness Boom,” A podcast interview with Chris Berlin. Harvard Divinity School, Aug. 2019.
“How should we train Buddhist students to be chaplains?” A conference of the Buddhist Ministry Initiative, Harvard Divinity School, May, 2015. Welcome and introductions by Chris Berlin.
“A Guide to Mindfulness Meditation,” by Chris Berlin. 2016.
“When Clouds Cover the Sun: Adversity and Supporting Spiritual Resilience,” by Chris Berlin. Harvard Divinity School, Change, Adversity and Spiritual Resilience. Copyright, 2013. Rev. 2016.
“Humans of HDS: Chris Berlin,” An Interview. Harvard Divinity School, 2016.
“Progressing into Mindfulness,” An interview with Chris Berlin on Chanting and Satigata. By Michael Naughton, Harvard Divinity School, Feb. 2018.
“Widening the Circle: Engaged Bodhicitta in Hospital Chaplaincy,” by Chris Berlin. The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work. Eds. Cheryl Giles and Willa Miller. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2012.